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Abogados de compensación laboral en Los Ángeles
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Call Now or Schedule a Free Worker’s Compensation Consultation

If you’ve been injured at work and have filed, or are considering filing, a worker’s compensation claim, you should not assume that your employer will look out for your best interests.

It is imperative that you protect your rights to fair treatment and compensation for lost work time. Our legal specialists will fight for your maximumi compensation, to ensure that you and your family are not put at financial risk due to an on-the-job injury. We are highly experienced worker’s compensation lawyers with a proven track record of success, prepared to represent you against employers and insurance companies that often seek to minimize your compensation.

For Worker’s Compensation, or any other workplace legal issues, contact Union Injury Law Group for a FREE CASE EVALUATION.

Key Considerations for Worker’s Compensation Claims

  • Temporary Disability
    If your injury inhibits your ability to carry out your regular job tasks, and your employer hasn’t provided modified work within the limitations outlined by your doctor, and your condition remains unstable, you qualify for Temporary Disability benefits. These benefits amount to 2/3 of your Average Weekly Wage, are payable for a maximum of 104 weeks, and are exempt from taxation.
  • Permanent Disability
    Ifyou are left with permanent impairment once your condition stabilizes, you are entitled to a Permanent Disability award. The value of this award depends on your percentage of disability.
  • Total Disability
    You may be entitled to Permanent Total Disability Award if your injury renders you totally disabled for life. A COLA adjustment also applies for injuries post 12/31/2002.
  • Lost Wages
    You have the right to receive Wage Loss benefits through two methods. First, if you are medically incapable of performing your regular job duties and your employer offers you modified work at a reduced weekly pay compared to your pre-injury earnings, you are entitled to receive 2/3 of the disparity between your pre-injury income and your current earnings, tax-free. Second, if your employer discriminates against you for filing a workers’ compensation claim, resulting in lost work time, they are obligated to compensate you for those lost wages.
  • Medical Care
    You have the right to receive medical care to cure or aleviate the effects of your workplace injury. This encompasses treatments, prescribed medications, diagnostic tests, consultations with specialists, and necessary surgeries. Additionally, this coverage extends to addressing any resulting conditions from your injury, such as depression, anxiety, gastrointestinal issues, diabetes, and hypertension.
  • Retraining
    If your injury results in Permanent Disability and you cannot return to work, you may qualify for a Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit, also referred to as a voucher. See Labor Code sections 4658.1, 4658.5 and 4658.7 for further details. If you were injured post 12/31/12, you are ADDITIONALLY entitled to $5,000 from the Return to Work Supplement Program while funds last.
  • Cost Reimbursement
    You are entitled to reimbursements for costs related to your work injury including mileage for visits to doctors, testing and pharmacy along with any other associated costs.

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